نحن نقدم تحليل طيفي ونتائج اختبارات مختبرية بأسعار تنافسية وبطريقة متخصصة. اتصل بنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو رقم الهاتف (واتساب) لتلقي نتائجك في أسرع وقت ممكن
- Protea: https://www.protea.ltd.uk/free-ftir-software.html
- IRPal: https://irpal.soft112.com/
- OriginLab (The trial version is fully functional):https://www.originlab.com/demodownload.aspx
- irAnalyze (30-day trial version): https://www.labcognition.com/en/irAnalyze.html
- VibSpec: Within VibSpec the program IRIS (Infrared and Raman Interpretation Support) is developed. (After installing the software and registering via email the program can be used 10 days for free):https://www.vibspec.com/html/software_eng.html
- ir-spectra (Free demo): http://www.ir-spectra.com/
- gnuplotting: http://www.gnuplotting.org/
- qtiplot: https://www.qtiplot.com/
- ACD/Spectrus Processor (30 Day Free Trial):https://webstore.acdlabs.com/software-solutions/acd-spectrus-processor/
- Bio-Rad (Get a Two-Week Trial): http://www.bio-rad.com/en-in/category/spectroscopy-software?ID=N19OA0E8Z