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- EIS Spectrum Analyser
EIS Spectrum Analyser is a standalone program for analysis and simulation of impedance spectra. The analyser routine is based on algorithms of the PDEIS spectrometer. In the original (potentiodynamic) version the impedance data analysis is applied on a 3D spectrum and gives dependences of the ac response components on electrode potential.

This standalone program has been adapted to solve a wide range of tasks in the common (stationary) impedance spectroscopy. In addition to data fitting to equivalent circuits with resistors, capacitors, inductors, constant phase, Warburg (3 types), user-defined and Gerischer elements, the EIS Spectrum Analyser provides various tests for data consistency and quality of fit. It has also a built-in impedance spectra simulation routine, tools for impedance data processing (subtraction of circuit elements and subcircuits, normalisation for electrode surface area) and plotting in various formats. The program is free for noncommercial use.
2. ZsimpWin
ZSimpWin is a EIS Data Analysis program that does not require user-input on initial values. ZSimpWin is an Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) Data Analysis Software integrated with the
VersaStudio software to provide straightforward and versatile equivalent circuit model fitting. Innovative concepts have been implemented to achieve the following performance:
- Minimal user input: The user specifies a job by selecting a model for an impedance data set, and simply requests execution to ZSimpWin.
- Automatic analysis: Parameters associated with the selected model are determined automatically. ZSimpWin assigns an initial guess of these parameters (default = Auto Setup option), starts computation using the initial guess, finds results, improves these results a number of times until desired results are obtained, and then saves the final results.
- Batch Analysis: Setup a batch by including multiple jobs and process in sequence.
- Output results in various forms: Results consist of plots, estimated parameters, and historical records of computation process. Each or several combinations can be printed or copied to Windows clipboard.
- Requires only mouse button clicks: The whole process requires no entry of numbers or character strings.
- Compatible with Windows 10, 8 , 7 and XP.
3. Zview
ZView software from Scribner Associates offers best-in-class equivalent circuit modeling. Fit common circuits instantly, generate publication-quality graphs quickly. ZView integrates easily with SAI measurement softwares, and supports testing hardware from Solartron, PAR, and others. Increase your data processing efficiency quickly and easily with ZView.

Introduction of EIS
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is one of the most powerful methods in the study of corrosion. The EIS method can be used to measure the rate or rate of corrosion, monitor corrosion, determine coating integrity, and study the mechanism of reactions. In this article, which is a compilation, translation and purification of references [1] and [2], the applications, limitations and benefits of this method are introduced. EIS is usually performed by applying an AC current signal to a state-steady electrochemical system and then measuring the current response. Because the amount of disturbance applied, the AC signal, is a small excitation signal, EIS is essentially a non-destructive technique. To apply this method requires a geometrically corroded cell that includes a reference electrode, as well as equipment capable of measuring and recording the electrical response of an electrochemical cell over a wide range of applied AC frequencies. When a small sine voltage is applied to an electrochemical system according to Equation 9, a sine current response in the form of Equation 2 will be observed. Due to the lack of rapid response of relaxation processes or the release of dipoles, the rotation of bipolar components in response to the applied alternating electric field results in a phase change.
Typical measurements in EIS are usually made in a three-electrode system, as shown in Figure 9. The entire set includes an electrochemical cell, a frequency generator, a frequency response analyzer (FRA), and a computer that is used to control experiments and store information. A potentiostat is used to control the electrode potential. The FRA is the heart of the system that calculates the imaginary and real parts of impedance. The frequency studied is usually in the cell range. 0.01–100,000 Hz (cycles / s) Electrochemical, the test material is embedded as an electrode working. Electrode counters, which must be neutral and not involved in the electrochemical reaction, are usually made of Pt, gold, or graphite. Reference electrodes are usually conventional saturated calomel electrodes (SCE) or AgCl / Ag electrodes. However, in many applications, such as thin electrolyte layers or in high temperature environments, conventional reference electrodes do not work properly. In these cases, systems without conventional reference electrodes should be used. As an example, we can refer to the two-electrode system, which usually consists of two identical electrodes consisting of test materials (Figure 2-a) and is widely used in atmospheric corrosion monitoring [5. [Figure 2-b) Indicates that it is used to monitor high-corrosion corrosion. , Multi-electrode array (Figure 2-c) can be used for EIS monitoring.
An uncompensated electrolyte resistance (Rs), a specific capacitance value related to the coating applied to the metal surface (Cc), a hole resistance in the coating of resistance pathways (pore solution resistance) (Rcp) in the coating where ions are transported, a The specific capacitance corresponding to the double layer in the solution / metal (Cdl) and a resistance (Rp) which is the resistance of the charge transfer process (ie corrosion), and in other words, the resistance to polarization at the solution / metal interface. In Beaunier rectified circuits, usually other additional components, such as the constant phase element (CPE), the phase component of the inductance or induction coefficient (L) and the resistor (W (Warburg,) replace the resistor or capacitor. Special capacitance, accuracy and quality of experimental data fitting with these circuits are improved, but the physical interpretation of the results will be ambiguous, this is because the CPE module can not be easily obtained with capacitor capacitance, and the capacity power calculation is calculated. Capacitor from CPE parameters requires accurate knowledge of the physical reasons for CPE behavior [7.] An example of a Nyquist diagram and its equivalent wind diagram in doubt ل 4 is given. The position of the equivalent circuit components in these diagrams is given on each diagram. In addition to common, simple equivalent circuit models, more complex physical models are sometimes used to interpret EIS data obtained from more complex systems. An example is the line transmission model (TML), which was first used by Levie de in his research on porous electrodes [11] [TML model and its modified models for analyzing EIS data on atmospheric corrosion under electrolyte layers Thin [5] as well as stress corrosion [12] have been used.
Atmospheric corrosion is an electrochemical process that usually occurs beneath a thin electrolyte surface layer, in the presence or absence of salt contaminants and dissolved gases in these layers. It has been shown that the atmospheric corrosion rate of metals depends on the thickness of the electrolyte thin film. The thickness of the electrolyte layer affects the rate of oxygen transfer through the electrolyte layer and the dissolution of corrosion products. The rate of oxygen transfer determines the rate of cathodic reaction (in neutral and alkaline solutions) and the dissolution of corrosion products determines the anodic process. Monitoring or corrosion of thin electrolytic films using conventional electrochemical methods is challenging The electrolyte is thin, very high, leading to a sharp drop in ohmic potential and a non-uniform current distribution that makes it difficult to measure the corrosion rate [5. The solution resistance is estimated from the impedance measured in the high frequency range of the EIS spectrum, and the sum of the resistivity (Rp) and the solution resistance (RS) from the impedance in the low frequency range. Figure 4b: The calculated resistive palliation is then converted to the corrosion rate of the metal. To study atmospheric corrosion of the metal surface under thin electrolytic layers (100010-1000 ~) by EIS, it is possible to expose the corrosion cell to the atmosphere. weather Use outside or use laboratory-drier simulation cycles [19–13,10,9,5. Used in epoxy resin (Figure 2-A) to make cells. The study can be done in two ways: either the impedance spectrum is recorded over a wide range of applied frequencies or the impedance value is checked continuously at two constant frequencies. The study of EIS spectrum in a wide frequency range has shown that a one-dimensional equivalent circuit model called TML can be used to model the corrosion rate in these systems [5. Palrization is calculated from the impedance difference measured at the above two frequencies. The corrosion rate is then calculated using the polarization resistance [5]. Nishikata et al. [5] also used shoulder-shaped electrodes to study atmospheric corrosion to EIS. Impedance information was monitored at 10 mHz and 10 kHz. The results showed that the inverse of the mean impedance at low frequency completely corresponds to the corrosion rate obtained by gravimetry. Wetting of Time also occurs when the amount of solution conductivity or high frequency impedance image (Rs image) exceeds a threshold value. One of the disadvantages of this method in the study of atmospheric corrosion is that if the metal surface is covered with a thick layer of corrosion products, the low frequency impedance can not be equated to the polarization resistance. Finally, Ma et al. [20] used a complex multi-electrode system to study atmospheric corrosion and found the results to be more accurate than two-electrode systems. 3.2 Corrosion of reinforced concrete Rebar (in concrete is the main reason for reducing the life of reinforced concrete structures that are exposed to strong corrosive environments) such as marine environment. Therefore, reinforcement corrosion monitoring is very important to assess the health status of reinforced concrete. Various methods are used to evaluate corrosion in reinforced concrete, and electrochemical methods are among the most common. Among these, EIS is an attractive technique because, as mentioned earlier, it is almost a non-destructive method. In addition, EIS is suitable for environments with very high strength, such as concrete, because it is essentially a transient method and does not require the system to be in a stable state [21. [In steel systems (reinforcement) / Concrete, information Various parameters such as the presence of surface films, concrete properties, joint joint corrosion and mass transfer phenomena can be obtained from the EIS method [21. [22] [In addition, the high-frequency impedance of information in Moore Provides dielectric properties of concrete, and low-frequency impedance information on the properties of passive films (surface oxide layers) on steel. Studies that began three decades ago have proven the validity of EIS as a technique for studying rebar corrosion in concrete, both experimentally and theoretically. John et al. (9189) monitored corrosion of rebar in high porosity concrete using EIS. They obtained both the corrosion rate of the steel rebars and the information on the steel surface layers. Later, more fundamental work was done by McDonald et al. To establish the application of EIS in the detection of rebar corrosion in concrete [3]. In this work, the rebar was simulated as a one-dimensional electrical transmission line. Their results show that imaginary and real components of impedance and phase angle can be used to detect corrosion of rebar embedded in concrete, but this is only possible at very low frequencies (for example, 1 mHz). It was also found that monitoring the peak voltage at the concrete surface just above the rebar helps to fully detect corrosion.